Peace [Shanti in Sanskrit] –a word
signifying the state of harmony in a holistic perspective, calls for peak of
human dynamics and proactive co-operation of all fellow-beings. Bliss,
calmness, serenity and tranquility are the words synonymous to it.
Thomas Stearns
Eliot [1934-65] –a US born eminent English lyricist, social critic, Nobel laureate
[1948] and composer of famous poem, The
West Land, wonderfully opines that Shanti
is the state to accord understanding that is worth consideration. But, which
type of understanding? It is, in one way or the other, the understanding of co-operation.
Therefore, the state of peace is the source of origin of mutual understanding,
of co-operation, and a clarion call for prosperity of one and all –in the larger
interest of humanity. Hence, it is not an ordinary state. Rather, the state of
peace is extraordinary. That is why; Shanti
occupies pride of place in the Vedic prayers,
which is well illustrated in the Shanti Prakaran [peace-perception], as a
predominant maxim [Mool-Mantra]
calling for peace in every nook and corner of the universe:
“Om Dyau Shanti Rantariksha Gwam
Shanti Prithvi Shanti Rapah
Shanti Roshadhayah Shanti Vanas
Shanti Vishwed Devah Shanti Brahma
Sarvag Wam
Shanti Shanti Reva Shanti Sa Ma
Shanti Redhi
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om”
“Unto the Heaven be peace, unto
the Sky and the Earth be peace; peace be unto the Water, unto the herbs and
trees be Peace; unto all the gods be peace, unto Brahma and unto all be Peace;
and may we realize that peace.”
Doubtless, peace is vitally
important in life. It is indispensable for creating atmosphere of mutual understanding
and harmony for common development. It is, therefore, a crucial link in the
chain of life.
Education is a process that
continues till the end of life. It is a lifelong process leading a human being
to realize and develop virtues already present within his genome, and achieve
prosperity in life on the basis of these intrinsic virtues.
Epithets like knowledge, skill and
talent, frequently eluded to education, are, in fact, in-born qualities, which
remain dormant in man for continuous exploration and enhancement. For the
realization and proper development of these qualities direction and guidance are
necessary and only a teacher [Guru]
can do this. The indispensability and importance of education in life are known
to all. It is the education and education only, which accords identity to man
–makes him a true human being.
Peace and education must go
forward simultaneously. Both of them aim all-round development of human beings.
Education brings out what already exists within for the unfolding of
personality while the state of peace creates atmosphere and accords certainty
to this act. Further, both of them call for proactive co-operation and manage
to gather it. Such is the vibe and virtue of peace and education.
It is for this reason that various
aspects related peace and education [peace education] are being discussed and
analyzed regularly through symposiums and seminars at different levels
–national and international, particularly in colleges and universities and at
social forums all over the world. Scholars of repute and subject specialist are
discussing the way and means to make it an essential part of educational
process and about pedagogies to be adopted for the same. In many institutions
work has been started. But, a lot has to be done in this regard. The process
must go on continuously and in a planned manner.
Although scholars and subject
specialists are in agreement for inclusion of peace education in syllabi, they
also cede to its urgency, yet they have not been able to suggest a cogent
action plan for the same.
In this regard I am of the opinion
that the work of imparting peace education should start from the higher
secondary level. It is for the simple reason that peer pressure, interpersonal
jealousies and competitive rivalries amongst students begin building up at this
level of education giving rise to acrimony, disputes and sharp differences of
opinion culminating in chaos and disharmony.
Therefore, initiative must be
taken from this stage and as first lesson students should be familiarized with
life, works and views of leading lights of world peace that brought harmony in
society through love, compassion, non-violence and practicing in their own
personal lives what they preached to others. Along with this, initiatives
should be taken by the community of teachers to train students to settle their
differences and resolve disputes by way of arbitration in primary stage itself.
In this regard, the following suggestion would be helpful:
the value and significance of peace education, teachers must take it up as
their personal responsibility;
practices of peace messengers as nuclei, they should prepare students for
self-settling of their disputes, or if necessary, teachers may themselves play
role of arbitrator in resolving disputes; and
the intent of developing the spirit of peace, teacher should convince students
that living in harmony with each other and their environment is their social,
national and global responsibility.
As the higher secondary level is
the most important phase of the entire educational process, it can, therefore,
play a vital role in a fundament change in the education system. More than one
million higher secondary schools impart education all over the world. In India
the number of such schools is more than 1, 20, 000 [one lakh twenty thousand]
in which approximately 2, 00, 00, 000 [two cores] students are enrolled.
Further, at higher level of
studies, in colleges and universities, there is a need of special
pedagogy-based curriculum. Both –theoretical and practical aspects should be
the essential part of that curriculum and it should appear as a combination of
art and science subjects. In addition, the course curriculum could be prepared
as per the demand of space and time of national-regional and global contexts.
As a whole, there is a need to
take the work for peace education relentlessly in a planned way, as top end
responsibility. There is no other way available to accomplish this task. The
task is not difficult, but it demands sincerity and commitment, sacrifice and
above all a holistic outlook for the welfare of all beings.
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