is indispensable for existence. It is equally essential for growth and
prosperity in all spheres in general, but social and economical in particular.
In an atmosphere surcharged with harmony it is the occurrence of the state of
peace to pave the way for development. Peace is, thus, an active state, free of
conflicts or clashes, hostility and revenge. It is a call for equal progress by
joint efforts, reconciliation with larger scale cooperation and coordination of
fellow beings.
Vedas1, the most sacred
and ancient Hindu texts, [in reality] divulged thousands of years ago,
necessity and significance of harmony at all levels and in all walks of life,
having a universal approach towards thought and action for a peaceful life. The
Vedas direct man to think right and
work for harmony, some of the most important Vedic Mantras pertaining to importance, necessity and harmony in
life are worth mentioning here. From the Rigveda
it appears:
in harmony and concord
organized and cooperative
with one voice, and
your resolution with one mind” [10:191:2]
your prayers be one and the same
we belong to one fraternity
our minds move together
our hearts work in accord” [10:191:3]
the Yajurveda:
men are equal in brotherhood
is no one small and no one big” [16:15]
with others in such a manner as you would like for yourself
upon all the living beings as your close friends for in all of them resides
same soul” [40:6]
the Samveda:
we [all] full
of blissful command in welfaristic practices
Be we
of holder of best virtues [for common welfare]”
[13: 5: 2]
in the Atharvaveda:
one-another as cow loves its newborn calf
in concord and harmony with all to free from malice”
your mind work in harmony
your thoughts lead to a common objective” [6:64:2]
all the Vedas convey the message of
importance and inevitability of harmony in life, and they, simultaneously, call
man to accord the central place to it in his day-to-day practices. Similarly,
other Vedic treatises2, on
one hand, wish for creating atmosphere of peace on the basis of harmony to pave
the way for progress, prosperity and welfare of one and all, and on the other
they call each and everyone to contribute his bit in this direction.
this purpose, the Vedas wish man to
be determined to peace and indulge himself in righteous acts3.
Further, the Vedic philosophy expects
man to embrace generosity [Udarta]4 and carry out his duties having
forbearance and tolerance- the two foremost, practical and best features of Ahimsa as nuclei, so that unity and
equality amongst all the fellow beings could be established. It is this
approach that could bring the humanity within the ambit of harmony and through
harmony to the state of peace, which is inevitable for the prosperity of all.
significance of Vedic approach pertaining to harmony and peace holds true even
in the modern predicament. It invokes especially those connected in any form
and at any level with the process of education and prompts them to create a
congenial atmosphere for such a sustainable culture. It could bring all,
general and particular, together for common causes to do joint efforts which
are necessary in these days of rapidly increasing process of globalization.
is for this reality that an international seminar on the theme Harmony and
Peace through Education and Culture is being organized by the World Peace
Movement Trust in collaboration with Shridhar University at Pilani, Rajasthan,
India on July 5-6, 2014. The participants –educators, professors and peace
workers, through their respective presentations in this two days seminar, will
focus on various aspects related to the theme and they will hopefully arrive at some concrete conclusions to pave the way for
harmony and peace through education and culture.
Four in number –the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samveda and
the Atharvaveda.
The Upanishads in particular.
Acts are natural and getting them
righteous is in fact to make one’s life meaningful.
For, in one of the Matras of the Samaveda [15:1:4] it is desired: Pahi
Vishvasmaadrakshaso Araavnah Prasma Vajushu Nova/ Tvaamiddhi Nedishtham Devataataya
Aapim Nakshamahe Vridhe// [Be we saved from people of dreadful habits
and especially those who are indifferent to charitable works/ Be we saved from
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